The USF seal of approval/ Learning Self Love

Today I received my diploma in the mail. My diploma had just been officially approved Wednesday of last week even though I graduated in August. I have come up with a theory, it won’t be a memorable event if I don’t well Bunny it up‘.

Like most things related to me, I had somehow managed to complicate issues by owing my now Alma mater two dollars and sixty seven cents. Yikes, way to suck off every penny USF.  As you may imagine I am excited to finally hold in my hands proof to one of my newest favorite, yet cringe worthy hashtags #MicrobiologisttoBioinformatician.

I know the question on a lot my readers mind right now may go along these  lines;    “Why do tell bunny what does USF stand for?” Well maybe not in those exact words but a girl is allowed to embellish aren’t I? To indulge my dear readers, the acronym USF stands for the University of South Florida. This large but modest and still growing university is located at the heart of Tampa Florida. While it’s definitely not one of the top universities (ermm not even a top hundred University), it is well known for its research prowls and opportunities available to students all round campus and may I add proud owner of a ranked college football team.


So here I am with my Masters degree in Bioinformatics (do not ask. as it might take a good portion of this post to comprehensively efficiently explain what this program is about) and the reality of the next step/job market is finally sipping in.

During my masters program I had exerted myself into various projects and research opportunities but I had merely tapered my feet on the surface of the deep waters of this field. To make things more complicated, being a national of a different country makes my job prospect a tinsy bit more difficult than the average college graduate. To continue to improve my skills, I have decided to continue this fall with an internship I had over the summer.


A lil bit about me, I don’t do run into you in the lunch room conversations at work. When I’m in the lunch room I just want to heat up my lunch and that’s it unless I run into someone I’m familiar with. Iv’e been trying to change that lately and do the whole let the inner you reflect outwards thing, so I set out to have more awkward lunch room/elevator conversations.

Just the other morning I had a couple of not so bad conversations under my belt and I felt extra good about this new me. While others where trying to act disinterested yet really interested into the free food laid out in the lunch room ( there is no shame in the game people), some lady tried to have a chat with me. I felt so good about my new skills I decided to delve further in to the new me, why not give a witty and smart reply. Save to say I’m still trying to dig up out the whole I buried myself in after that encounter. It was so bad that during a leisurely lunch stroll I ran into this woman yet again, and we both proceeded to be busy. Me on my phone chatting her on an obvious fake phone call.

When it comes down to it though, I think these quirky yet interesting bits about me are what make me who I am and I am absolutely in love them. Over the past couple of months I have been able to see myself in a different light, as my self love increased I have noticed that it’s this little bits about me people seem to be fascinated in the most. It draws them in and makes them want to know me better. And with an improved understanding of this, I am going to keep trying to improve and love myself harder simultaneously. So just a little piece of advice, don’t ever be afraid to bunny things up every now and then.