Top Five Things

I woke up feeling extra nostalgic today. There has been a lot of happenings surrounding my personal life outside this blog and for the most part it has been more positives. Going along with this I decided to break out from the norm and do something totally different and talk about the top five things I started this month but I’m kinda already failing at.

You see I’ve recently started binge watching the hit show New Girl and an episode really stood out to me. It was the episode where the character Nick was labeled as not a finisher, basically some one who starts things but never finishes it (not like the episode should stand out…I feel this describes Nick in every episode).

So, in an attempt to hold myself accountable for some of the things I set out at achieving this month but already given up on, I have decided to share it on here.

  1. Putting Up Posts More Often

This is kind of a touchy topic. I feel like every time I put up a post I get such an adrenaline rush. I start making plans about how I am going to be the next big book review/lifestyle blogger out there with a huge following base. But then life happens and as much as I would love to elevate my blogging space making it more professional, at the end of the day I am just a girl who loves to write. Writing is like therapy to me and most of the things I write about come from a place of passion and or personal experience. I am still learning to write about things that may seem mundane to me but may be of interest to others.

  1. Going Vegan

There is such a big grin on my face as I write on this topic. I can’t really recall how this came about but one minute I was on Instagram, and the next I found myself spending hours on VeggieKins YouTube’s page (basically the typical YouTube experience). I must say, the benefits of going vegan are countless and what most especially stands out to me is the possibility of clearer skin and finally finding a solution to my occasional bloated tummy debacle. To put it nicely, my vegan experience ended up being a massive failure. The last and only attempt was me buying organic almond butter spread in place of peanut butter.

  1. Going Out More Often

It’s not that I don’t love going out, it’s just that I’ve been so zoned in trying to accomplish my goals lately and  forgotten that it’s still okay to have fun. No… that’s not completely right. Correction, I love to go out but the company and the place matter’s a whole bunch. I’d rather stay home watch a movie, read a book, bake, cook, chill out with close friends or even catch the game than force myself to go to some choked up space filled with comma inducing smoke and deafening music all in the name of a night out. Again, don’t get me wrong, I love going out and there’s nothing wrong with having fun at a club but in the spirit of top five things, it won’t make my list of favorite hangout things to do.

  1. Being Punctual

As I am not really a morning person, I always schedule all my appointments and meetings starting from 10am. This month I tried to be the person who is up by like 5:30am to increase my all round punctuality. To be honest though, my punctuality and productivity has greatly improved and this is one of the few activities that I have successfully carried out.

  1. More Devotion Time

Yes, you guessed it I’m Christian. I knew I had to revitalize my Christian life so this month I opted for a real change and sort out the advice of fellow Christians I admire. Something that stood out to me which I have now put into practice is reading a chapter of my bible daily and spending at least 15 minutes of devotion time reflecting on what I’ve read. Aside from missing 2 days since starting this over a week ago, I have really found this helpful and intend on moving onto my 9th chapter today.

This concludes my top five things I aimed at achieving this month. Feel free to share goals/tasks you may have wanted to accomplish  recently but for one reason or another your still yet to achieve.