My Year In Retrospect

Its the early hours of December the 8th, the last day of the fall semester. Isn’t it fitting I write a post today which dear might I add is the last day of finals and the calendar year? After all this is a blog I started with a spur of the moment post on the very last day of Spring semester, I find tradition is a trait that should be carried on. And as me and my blog have successfully come almost to an end of our trip around the sun its ohh so tempting not to write a post of my year in review. I know…I can read your thoughts right now, “not another end of year wordpress blog post” well yeah it is..ermm deal with it.

So I am going to start with school. Moving from my home country to quench my ever flowing thirst of knowledge brought a new spin and look on learning I was so dearly not aware of.  My neuroscience professor wasn’t kidding when she said,  learning is a process by which behavior can be changed as a result of experience and  practice. Although I can not deny the extent to which my library of academic knowledge has surged, another unexpected leap into my year of learning was my realization of people and myself. I’ve learnt that people are who they are and it is not my position to try and bring out the best in them. I have learnt to stop seeking validation from the world and I am still learning not to care what people think of me [almost there]. Good thing is that I am not becoming cold to world and letting my experience get the best of me, I am simply choosing to open my mind to learning and unlearning as life presents each characteristically different learning experience at my feet.

My blog. Well I did not know what to really expect when this journey began. I knew I had an almost magnetic pull towards writing and story telling but for some reason I could never get my self to finish writing anything I started. Well if you are into writing creatively i’m sure you’ve heard this at least once, “write about what you know“. So I decided to start a blog about myself and books [at least I think I know a thing or two about books]. And except for the glaring obvious lack of book reviews, due to the fact that I literally had no time and books are low key expensive, I think I can call my almost first year of blogging a success. Although I have failed to touch base with my blog over the past couple of months I would like to think it’s safe to say that I am back now [although with me you can never tell]. And as much as I would have loved to carry on with my year in retrospect, one of the criticism I got from a fellow reader was my post tend to go on forever [Its not my fault I can write for Africa]  so I decided to write up a general over view of what this year has thought me.

N.B: In lieu of how expensive book are, I am starting my own go fund campaign  right here on wordpress [for books anyway]. You can drop a comment if you are interested in finding a new home for your books and also interested in reading my review of it. I generally gravitate towards modern African literature but any book written and worded intelligently  with a good story line would have me glued.Also drop pointers on interesting topics you’d like me to talk about. My transition to a new country, interracial dating..the election? Anything..Till next time, happy holidays everyone.